In the sacred bedroom

In the sacred bedroom

According to Eastern phylosophy, the bedroom is the main room at home. A bed is a special place for peace and unity. That is why, in the east, great attention is paid to furnishing and "dressing" the bedroom, using the softest and energized fabrics. Even if the bedroom is considered sacred. Maybe that's why their families are the healthiest.


In the West, the bedroom is also an important part of the home. There we stay by ourselves, or with our life partner, we sleep there and we touch the indescribable, we make love and make the new generation of the family. In fact, in the bedroom we are as we are. We remove all the masks, we discontinue all the roles, and if we can really be ourselves, the miracle of the energy recharge that we need for the next day, happens.


That's why it is extremely important how we feel in this sacred room. What we touch, what we breathe, what emotions we feel, there must be extremely enjoyable and clean for us. In the bedroom, the rule that even small, is a lot, if fully true. There should be as few furniture as possible, especially bulky one, and possibly wooden. The most suitable for the furniture in the bedroom is the natural wood, only varnished or in white colour.


The textile for bed is an integral part of the coziness and warmth feeling in the bedroom, which helps us to have a healthy sleep and to return to ourselves. Its selection is extremely important, and its condition inflence a lot on our sleep and health. Bed linen should be "tailored" - comfortably as a shape, soft and tender as a fabric and in a favorite design or color - the one that is in syncronization with your emotions and at the same time with the overall interior. The duvet has to warm us, but  also to caress us, and the pillow to be of the size and height fully fitted.


All the fabrics in the bedroom are important - the curtains should be of natural fabrics, the rug - cotton and comfortable for bare feet, the covers on the bedside table - exquisite and handmade. No artificial fabrics should be allowed in this room, as we breathe their chemicals all night long, and the body becomes stiff when we are helpless in our sleep. Still, in the bedroom we physically spend one third of our lives.


Following materials from John Robertson's book "Feng Shui and the Sacred Bedroom" and my reflections.






You like sleeping on silk? Because it is gentle, smooth, shiny and luxurious? Because the touch not only caresses you, but doesn't even feel it? Isn't silk considered to be the highest class of fabric, for connoisseurs? All this is true. The good news is that there is already bedding made of fabric that is close to silk. The new TENCEL.

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Since customers often ask us about the differences between fabrics, we have decided to make a comparison table based on our practical experience (personal use) of bed linen we offer. We do not claim academicity and comprehensiveness, but we believe that this analysis will be useful to anyone looking for comfort for a healthy sleep. Our idea is to facilitate the choice of bedding material, depending on the individual needs of each client. We compare only the fabrics we offer and because the popular low threaded percale and reinforce fabrics on our market are not among them (we consider them not so soft for bed linen), they are not included in our analysis.

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22 November 2017

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